What is it that I am feeling right now? Let me observe it, not pass judgment on it. Even when I find myself judging, let me observe that too, and accept it.
I am not defined by these emotions. It is not wrong to feel anything, it is not virtuous to feel anything either. I am not a sad person, a happy person, a depressed person, an anxious person, an angry person… These emotions just indicate how I feel right now, at this moment. I don't attach anymore meaning to it.
As I observe my emotions with only love towards me, I feel more balanced. My emotions feel heard and loved. I am able to feel confident. It is okay to feel everything I feel. I am a human, I am meant to feel. I am true to my feelings. I am honest with myself. In this honesty lies my liberty. I am not fighting my emotions, I am just letting them be. All my surging emotions grow calm as I observe them and accept them, like a wild beast being tamed. All that is required of me is to breathe, observe, and accept it all.
This is a part of the “Art of Accepting Life” series by What I Learnt Today. You can visit our Website, Facebook page to Instagram page for more.