My body has been with me my entire life. Every cell of my body has only lived with one purpose- helping the Being that I am to experience life. My body has supported me, guided me, accepted however I treated it. I am sorry for all the times that I put it down.
I apologise to my body for all the times that I have compared it to others and found it lacking. I will not do it anymore. I have no reason to compare. Their body is excellent for them, just as mine is excellent for me. I love my body, unconditionally.
Through discomforts, aches, and pains, this body has stood by me. I accept every aspect of my body. I accept the scars, the moles, the marks, the lines. I accept its weaknesses because even in weakness it works and strives to help me. I accept that this body is Divine and in being so it is beautiful. Like all creation, it is perfect. I understand that each time my body struggles, it is just asking me for my attention and support. I will provide this attention and support always. I am grateful to my body. I respect and honor my body, in its entirety.
This is a part of the “Art of Accepting Life” series by What I Learnt Today. You can visit our Website, Facebook page to Instagram page for more.