Ever feel like you’re stuck in the same loop, facing the same challenges over and over? It’s not the world that’s changing—it’s your mind’s filter. This filter, called the Reticular Activating System (RAS), plays a big role in shaping how we experience life. Understanding how it works can help you break free from old patterns and start seeing new opportunities around you.
What is the RAS, Anyway?
Imagine your brain is a busy highway, with information constantly zooming by. Your RAS acts as a gatekeeper, deciding what gets your attention and what gets filtered out. It’s the reason why you might suddenly notice more red cars after deciding you want one, or how you start hearing a song everywhere after you first hear it.
The catch is, the RAS doesn’t judge what’s good or bad for you. It simply highlights what aligns with your beliefs, thoughts, and what you focus on most. So, if you’re caught in a loop of negative thinking, it’s more likely you’ll notice things that reinforce those beliefs. But when you shift your focus, your RAS starts showing you new possibilities.
How the RAS Shapes Your Experience
The RAS is like a filter for your thoughts. When you focus on something repeatedly—whether it’s a belief, a goal, or an emotion—your brain becomes primed to find signs that confirm that focus.
For example, if you believe that opportunities are always passing you by, you’ll unconsciously focus on signs that support that belief. But the moment you shift to thinking, “I attract opportunities easily,” your RAS will start noticing every sign, person, or event that could help you achieve your goals.
It’s not magic—it’s your mind’s way of aligning with your focus.
How to Train Your RAS to Work for You
The good news is, you don’t have to be stuck in old thought patterns forever. There are simple practices that can help you reset your focus, so your mind starts working with you instead of against you.
Meditation Quieting your mind through meditation helps clear the mental clutter and gives you space to reset your focus. By practicing regularly, you can begin to shift the way your RAS filters information. It’s a practice of presence, where your awareness and intentions begin to shape the world you notice around you.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) EFT tapping works by releasing emotional blocks and clearing the energy around old, limiting beliefs. It helps create a fresh start for your RAS, allowing new, empowering beliefs to take root more easily.
Subliminals and Affirmations Subliminals gently reprogram your subconscious mind, allowing your RAS to absorb positive changes effortlessly. By listening to affirmations, you plant new seeds that your RAS will notice and amplify—without you needing to work hard at it. Check out our 8-in-1 Ultimate Subliminal Bundle that includes tracks designed to align your mind with your highest potential effortlessly.
Physical Activity Exercise is a powerful tool to reset your mindset. When you work out, you not only strengthen your body, but you also flood your mind with feel-good chemicals. This positive shift in energy signals your RAS to start looking for opportunities related to health, vitality, and success.
Journaling and Reflection Writing down your thoughts helps you notice patterns in your thinking. By reflecting on your beliefs, you can consciously choose what you want your RAS to focus on. Journaling can be a powerful tool for cultivating gratitude, affirming your goals, and shaping the narrative you want your mind to reinforce.
Positive Surroundings What you expose yourself to matters. Choose to surround yourself with things that inspire, uplift, and support your vision for your life. Whether it’s books, podcasts, people, or even music—your RAS will begin to seek out more of what’s in alignment with your desires.
The Ripple Effect of a Trained RAS
When you consciously choose to train your RAS, you begin to notice small changes at first. The more you practice, the more your mind will naturally shift toward what you want. Over time, this creates a ripple effect, where opportunities, people, and circumstances begin to align in ways you couldn’t have imagined before.
It’s a subtle but powerful shift—one that doesn’t require you to fight against yourself or the world around you. Simply by tuning in and shifting your focus, you can begin attracting the life you’ve always desired.
Start with small steps. Whether it’s a few minutes of meditation, listening to an empowering track, or changing the way you speak to yourself, each choice sends a signal to your brain: You are worthy of success, love, and abundance. Let your RAS work for you, and watch as your world transforms.
