Standing at the threshold of another New Year,
I look back and sigh.
Dreams unachieved,
Promises to self broken,
Opportunities missed,
Loved faces lost forever,
Bouts of anxiety…
I sigh at all that could have been,
But wasn’t.
And just as I begin to feel that I can hope no more,
As if I cannot take another step,
As once again I fall into the trap of feeling as though I have been running on the treadmill of life, that goes nowhere,
I remind myself...
I remind myself that the Inner Me,
The True Me,
The Me that lies within this bodily me,
Knows exactly where I need to be.
It is creating precisely the experiences that I need to have.
I reach for that Me...the Me that’s beyond my body,
Beyond my chattering mind,
Beyond my intellect…
And I connect to the silence within.
Deep, calm silence.
And in that silence, I sit.
It is this silence that has always been with me,
It is the same silence that pervades every human being,
Pervades every being,
Pervades time and space.
It is the same silence that connects the past, present, and future,
The same silence that connects the dead and alive.
Touching this silence, I am no longer despondent.
I accept where I am at completely.
With this silence, I realise that I may not know the path,
But I am not lost.
And this realisation fills me with joy…
The joy of being alive.