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The Fourth Element- Jala/ Water

Writer's picture: Vimida DasVimida Das

Jala (Water) was born out of the depths of Agni(Fire).

As Fire surged in wanton bliss, it became uncontrollable,

Water grew out the sparks of this reckless Fire.

It calmed down the unbridled passion of Fire and gave Creation a direction.

Creation could hear, see, feel, and now, with Water, it could taste.

Water flowed, Water soothed, Water nurtured.

Water merged with Air and travelled- two cosmic dancers moving in harmony,

Water embraced Fire, and rose up to the heavens, a celestial partnership,

Water changed according to heat- in its presence Water became vapour, in its absence Water turned to ice…

And when heat grew tranquil, Water would just be.

Water became the Ultimate balancer,

Water cradled Mother Earth, and gave her the boon of life,

Water became the blood surging through our veins,

And the mother’s milk ever babe would taste,

It was in fruits, vegetables, rivers, and seas,

Water - the precious nectar all life needs.


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