These are questions that have baffled many and led to many debates. I would not have ventured to answer this had I not known this through my own awakening experience, which aligns with the teachings of non-dual teachers like Rupert Spira and Eckhart Tolle.
As Eckhart Tolle once said, "The awakening of consciousness is the next evolutionary step for mankind."
I can question everything else in the world, but once you are awake, you cannot question the reality of consciousness. Let me try to explain the answer to the question.
The Canvas of Infinite Consciousness
Imagine a canvas; that canvas is infinite consciousness. It does not know anything but infinity. But if it wants to experience anything other than infinity, it has to create, let's say, a dot.
As Rupert Spira would say, "Consciousness creates form. It is not the other way around."
Now the dot appears in consciousness but appears to be separate from consciousness. Consciousness goes on to create a lot of things from the one dot - circles and patterns. They all appear in consciousness and have all the properties of consciousness, but they feel they are different.
The Consequences of Separation
When they feel they are different, it leads to fear and a sense of separation.
Eckhart Tolle often emphasizes, "The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it."
All patterns in the Mandala somehow want to join back with consciousness, but as they don't know this, they start acquiring things, making connections, and consuming things because all of it gives them a temporary feeling of connection.
Another thing they do because they feel scared is that they start rejecting. They start trying to protect themselves and express their might so that they are not hurt and feel protected.
The Canvas's Perspective
Now the canvas is not involved in any of this because the canvas does not experience this separation. Conscious only knows oneness.
Rupert Spira beautifully expresses this when he says, “Nothing ever happens to the knowing with which all experience is known.”
So how does suffering end? When the patterns on the mandala realize that they are nothing but the canvas expressed differently. Then they start seeing the nature of the canvas in themselves - expansive, creative, one, innocent. They may still connect, but just to add to the experience of the canvas, they will no longer fear. They will want more and more parts of the mandala to understand that it is the canvas so that an even better experience can be created together. Even in this, the canvas does nothing but witness and experience.
