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Why I Left the Law of Attraction for the Law of Assumption

Writer's picture: Vimida DasVimida Das

In my work as a manifestation coach, I’ve met countless people who, like me, began their journey with the Law of Attraction. It's a concept that became popular for its simple appeal: like attracts like. If we think positive thoughts, good things come to us. But as I dug deeper into the layers of personal transformation, I found myself drawn to something even more profound. That discovery led me to the Law of Assumption, which has deeply shifted how I understand manifestation and self-awareness.

At the heart of the Law of Assumption is the idea that we are pure consciousness.

Shift from Law of Attraction to Law of Assumption for deeper manifestation
Shift from Law of Attraction to Law of Assumption for deeper manifestation

This was a transformative insight for me. Rather than focusing on what we need to attract from outside ourselves, the Law of Assumption invites us to recognize that our true nature is already whole and complete. It’s not about drawing in what’s “out there” but about changing our core assumptions to align with what’s within us. This shift in focus—from the outside world to our inner essence—allows us to transform our lives from the inside out.

From "Thinking Positive" to "Being"

Transitioning from positive thinking to embodying 'I Am' for manifestation.
Transitioning from positive thinking to embodying 'I Am' for manifestation.

For many people, the Law of Attraction works because it’s rooted in the power of positive thinking, which can be genuinely uplifting. When we focus on what we want, we open ourselves up to receiving it, and that’s a beautiful place to start. But as I came to understand, it’s not the thoughts themselves that hold the power—it’s the deep belief, or assumption, that we have within. We assume it will work, and it often does. This led me to wonder if it’s possible to go even deeper and make these assumptions the bedrock of how we live.

That’s where the Law of Assumption shines. Instead of thinking in terms of “I want” or “I wish,” we begin with “I am.” In other words, we recognize that everything we need is already within us. This isn’t about repeating affirmations or hoping something will happen; it’s about stepping into the truth of who we already are. When we assume the reality we wish to create—as if it’s already ours—we align ourselves naturally with those desires.

The Power of Pure Consciousness

Pure consciousness as the foundation for manifestation with the Law of Assumption
Pure consciousness as the foundation for manifestation with the Law of Assumption

The most profound difference I found in shifting to the Law of Assumption was a deeper acceptance of myself as pure consciousness. It’s a simple concept but one that feels incredibly liberating. Instead of looking outside myself for validation, I began to look inward, realizing that I am the source of my experiences. If I assume I am capable, worthy, or at peace, my experiences start to reflect those assumptions.

We often place our happiness and worth on what’s outside of us, thinking we’ll feel fulfilled if only we get the right job, the right relationship, or the right circumstance. The Law of Assumption asks us to flip that script—to create these feelings within us first. By embodying who we want to be, we create a foundation of self-belief that naturally influences our reality.

Transforming with the New Outlook

Inner alignment through the Law of Assumption for self-transformation
Inner alignment through the Law of Assumption for self-transformation

As I adopted the Law of Assumption, my approach to coaching changed too. This perspective helped me guide clients into a deeper self-connection and empowerment. When we understand that we are pure consciousness, we begin to take responsibility for the lives we create. We can identify and replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones, choosing to embody a state of being that aligns with our highest intentions.

The beauty of this practice is that it encourages us to explore our inner landscape. Instead of seeking answers outside, we start looking within, finding that we already possess everything we need. When we align our consciousness with the belief that we are whole, capable, and complete, our external reality often follows suit.

Living Our True Potential

Living in alignment with true potential through the Law of Assumption
Living in alignment with true potential through the Law of Assumption

In this shift from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Assumption, I discovered a new level of self-trust and inner peace. By recognizing myself as pure consciousness, I found a freedom that goes beyond simply achieving goals or attracting success. It’s a journey of self-discovery that uncovers my true potential, helping me realize that the power to create the life I want has always been within.



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