“What is the point of living?” I thought
Should I just give up, let go?
Everything was just the same old, same old,
and the familiar numbness cast a shadow in my soul...
My soul although was not ready to give up
It pointed me to the starry night sky and asked me to see
The rich display of shimmering lights splayed across the canvas of my eyes.
One of the stars twinkled merrily at me and said,
“If you weren’t alive, would you know me?”
As I pondered the question, a smell caught my attention-
The aroma of a freshly baked cake beckoned me.
Soon a plethora of smells assaulted me-
Wet mud, fresh flowers, my dog, just too many.
“I know, I know”, I told myself.
I wouldn’t be able to experience how anything smells if I weren’t alive.
And thus I began to notice how every sensation felt,
How I could hear, I could taste, I could touch, I could smell and see…
I could hear music coming from somewhere far away,
I could hear kids scream,
I could hear my parents talking in the kitchen,
I could hear the cricket calling for attention incessantly.
I could taste my salty skin, my tears,
Even tastes I tasted long back, my tongue could even now recall,
I could touch everything that the fabric of life had woven for me.
I was enveloped in the richness of life,
The sheer beauty of experiencing, of being alive.
What more did I need?
This life that I lived was just for living…
For feeling the feelings, for knowing the emotions, for embracing sensations.
The point of living? It is just this.
Understanding the beauty of being alive,
as a human being,
on this wondrous planet...
and sharing this life with all the wondrous creations spread out around me.
Had I not been living, there would have been no me, no experience, nothing...
There is no need to do anything, to know anything,
To expand as a living being in this vast universe.
There is joy in just being here and now,
There is enough in simply experiencing to make my life worthwhile...
The purpose of life is just to be.
