Today we are going to the question... Should we punish wrongdoers? Yesterday we saw what causes evil. So now let us come to this important part - if evil is just created by a sense of separation, should we not punish evil doers?
The answer is very simple and also very confusing... the answer is, "Do what makes you feel closer to your inner God in that moment." When we understand that nothing is inherently good or bad, we do not attach too much meaning to it.
A Dream as an Illustration
Yesterday, I saw a dream. In my dream, a terrorist was about to destroy my entire neighborhood. I could stop him by killing him... but killing him would make me feel bad. Somewhere at this point, I went into a state of semi-waking up... you know, that state where we know that we are dreaming but aren't able to get up? Well, guess what I did in that state? Since I knew it was a dream, I stabbed the man and took him, bleeding, to the police station. I gave the whole thing a happy ending because I knew it was a dream.
Now who was that man in the dream? Wasn't that me, the dreamer? Who was that me, who was protecting and punishing? Wasn't that also me? If things had not gone the way I wanted, the dreamer-me would not have felt bad because it was just a dream. But because I knew it was my dream, I was able to control it and make it into whatever I wanted.
I think I got that dream to help me illustrate the point better. I guess now you can understand what I am trying to say.
Choose Your Path
So, if you haven't woken up, don't worry. Do what you feel is right, and if you have woken up, know that it does not matter and that you can also control the outcome if you so wish! We are all here playing roles in a dream. If it is your duty to punish, if you can do so while still being connected to your inner peace. If you can connect to your inner peace better by the path of non-punishment, then choose that.
Guided by Experience
I am not quoting scriptures; I am speaking from my own experiences and understanding of life. Ask, why am I punishing? Is it to take revenge? Is it to change the wrongdoers? Is it to improve the world? If it is to bring a change in the wrong-doers, then it is not punishment; it is just a teacher teaching, or a mother showing her child the right path. If it is to improve the world in any way, even then, the cause is noble. But if it is just for revenge, understand that you are not punishing anyone but yourself. Turn inwards and find the place of love and forgiveness then.
Embracing a Balanced Approach
Do not be a coward; do not turn away from crime. Do not let the criminals do whatever you want, but also do not hate. Hate the crime, not the committer of the crime. By hating the crime, we disentangle ourselves from the cycle of animosity, allowing room for the possibility of redemption, transformation, and healing.
This approach does not diminish the significance of holding individuals accountable for their actions; rather, it highlights the importance of doing so with a clear and unclouded heart. It calls for a society that seeks to rehabilitate and guide, rather than merely punish. By adhering to this balanced approach, we contribute to the collective effort of making our world a place where justice is tempered with mercy, and where the potential for positive change is never extinguished.
End Note:
The answer, I've come to understand, is rooted in the realization that it's all part of the play, the Lila. I strive to do what I believe will bring me closer to realizing the truth of who I am. As the great Allan Watts reminds us, “When you find out that there was never anything in the dark side to be afraid of … Nothing is left but to love.”
